Nanda Kishor Mandal
Founder Director, Skill Lab
Message from Skill Lab
Skill Lab’s partnership with BIC goes well beyond skilling and incubation. We feel like we are an extended family and are working in close collaboration in order to foster entrepreneurship as well as enhance employability outcomes of the students. We have an extensive network of mentors, trainers, facilitators and entrepreneurs which we are bringing in to Boston International College.
Our company, Skill Lab, is an educational venture on Skilling, Re-Skilling & Up-Skilling next-generation Nepalis to reduce the academia-industry gap in the country by collaborating with like-minded academic institutions, corporate and individuals. We achieve employment and self-employment by engaging with successful people for their presence in the academic institution as Guest Speakers, Mentors and Learning Engagement Coaches in cooperation with 40+ organizations. We work to improve employment, employability and life skills of over 5000 youths annually.