Prem Nath Gaire
Head, BIC Startups
Message from Head, BIC Startups
Whether you are a student of Boston College or not, you are welcome at BIC Startups in order to pursue your entrepreneurial ambition. We will support you in idea generation, the development of your idea into a business plan, and the conversion of your business plan into a commercial venture. By the same token, we will help you financially with a seed fund, and emotionally and psychologically with continuous consulting and mentoring so that you can build confidence in what you envision to undertake.
We have a 10-Week ‘Startup Development’ workshop that is based upon a structured and up-to-date incubation curriculum. This hands-on workshop will help you understand all the business concepts that are required for you to start your entrepreneurial venture. During this workshop, you will create a working business model that is ready for implementation.
We will expand your reach and amplify your impact through events and programs that will provide you with ample networking opportunities. We have also collaborated with the Chitwan Association of Industries and Nepalese Young Entrepreneurs Forum. We work closely with these collaboration partners to maximize the impact of our incubation efforts and to help you gain any kind of support you require including, finding investors for your business idea. We are eager to walk this journey together with you and explore untapped entrepreneurial opportunities.