उद्यमी विकास कार्यक्रम (6 – Day Boot Camp)

- May 30, 2021 - June 4, 2021
- 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
We are now starting incubation training on May 30. This program is a joint collaboration of BIC Startups, Skill Lab and Chitwan Association of Industries. The sessions will run for 6 days and will be facilitated by the Skill Lab team that includes Mr. Nanda Kishor Mandal – Founder Director of Skill Lab, Ms. Utsaha Khakurel, Business Development Manager at Naagiko Honey and Mr. Bijendra Shah, Innovation & Community Lead at Clock b Business Innovations.
Details are given below:
Date: May 30, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Mode of Delivery: Virtual (through ZOOM)
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Mode of Delivery: Virtual (through ZOOM)
If you are interested to participate in this program please contact us and we will forward you ZOOM link as well as other details.
2021-5-30 13:00
2021-6-4 17:00
उद्यमी विकास कार्यक्रम (6 – Day Boot Camp)
We are now starting incubation training on May 30. This program is a joint collaboration of BIC Startups, Skill Lab and Chitwan Association of Industries. The sessions will run for 6 days and will be facilitated by the Skill Lab team that includes Mr. Nanda Kishor Mandal – Founder Director of Skill Lab, Ms. Utsaha
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